Interesting Cases

Case 1: Catastrophic Parvovirus B19 Endothelialitis in an Immunocompetent Host

Case 2: Subcutaneous Panniculitis - like T Cell Lymphoma Arising in a Background of Atypical Lymphocytic Lobular Panniculitis

Case 3: Juvenile Temporal Arteritis: A Case Report.

Case 4: Pancreatic Panniculitis as an Initial Presentation of Acinar Cell Carcinoma of the Pancreas

Case 5: Primary Cutaneous Blastic Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Neoplasm

Case 6: Acute Hemorrhagic Edema of Infancy

Case 7: Cocaine Associated Retiform Purpura


Case 9: Light Chain Associated Amyloidosis Presenting With Nephrotic Syndrome And Spontaneous Upper Torso Purpura

Case 10: Multiple Cutaneous Ulcers Associated With Bevacizumab Therapy

Case 11 A Case of Generalized Eruptive Histiocytosis in a 23-Year-Old Man

Case 12 Multicentric Castleman's Disease, Mixed Type

Case 13 Subcutaneous Panniculitis-like T cell Lymphoma

Case 14 Juvenile Dermatomyositis presenting as an Elbow and Knee rash

Case 15 Post Transplantation IRF Trans location + ALCL

Case 16 Young Woman with Diffuse Lower Extremity Red-Brown Macules a Telltale Sign of Recently Described Macular Lymphocytic Arteritis

Case 17 Eosinophilic Angiocentric Fibrosis co-existing with Granuloma Faciale: A rare form of Tumefactive Fibrosing Vasculitis presenting as an Orbital Pseudotumor

Case 18: COVID-19 Vaccine Associated Cutaneous Lymphomatoid Reactions

Post Transplantation IRF Trans location + ALCL

Case author: Cynthia M Magro, MD
Contributing authors: Martha Torres, MD, Esther Chang, MD, Luke Olsen, MD, & Shivakumar Subramaniyam, MD

An 81-year-old male received a heart transplant in 1998 for idiopathic cardiomyopathy. The procedure was uneventful without any immediate complications. He was treated with azathioprine (50 mg) and cyclosporine (25 mg) for long-term immunosuppression with a brief period of concurrent prednisone in the distant past. Other than mild cyclosporine-related renal insufficiency, his clinical course was unremarkable. In November 2014, he presented with a history of an expanding neck lesion. Physical examination revealed a 2.2 cm non-painful nodule on the right neck. The patient was otherwise asymptomatic. An excisional biopsy of the nodule was performed. A PET scan was performed in January 2015 to rule out an occult malignancy but was negative for metastatic disease. Azathioprine was removed from his medication regimen as he was considered to be at low-risk for rejection. Clinical follow-up showed no evidence of disease progression as of the time of manuscript submission in March 2015.

The excision of the right neck nodule revealed an effacing nodular atypical mononuclear cell infiltrate spanning the papillary and reticular dermis. There was no grenz zone separating the infiltrate from the overlying epidermis (Figure A, B). The epidermis was diffusely infiltrated in a passive epidermotropic fashion by small to intermediate sized atypical lymphocytes exhibiting a cerebriform morphology (Figure C). In contrast, the populace in the dermis was comprised of large (20-30 um) relatively monomorphic transformed-appearing cells with round to oval nuclei and conspicuous nucleolation; cytoplasms were moderately abundant (Figure D). Mitoses were abundant within the dermal population. There was a relative paucity of other inflammatory cell elements.

Case Study #1--Cutaneous Polyarteritis Nodosa

Case Study #1--Cutaneous Polyarteritis Nodosa

Covid-19 Vaccine Associated Cutaneous Lymphomatoid Reactions

"Covid-19 Vaccine Associated Cutaneous Lymphomatoid Reactions."

Weill Cornell Medicine Dermatopathology 1300 York Avenue
Room F-309
Box #58
New York, NY 10065 Phone: (212) 746-6434